Please contact us for a quote as the prices reflected below are generalized and may not reflect your exact circumstances. Although a rough guide ultimately the cost is based on your needs and each website is different.
Most economical
$ 1,500and up
- $75 per month hosting
- 10 static pages
- 2 dynamic pages
- 0.5 hours per month support included then $70 per hour for additional work
- 99.9% Uptime Guarantee
$ 2,500and up
- $125 per month hosting
- 25 static pages
- 250 dynamic pages
- 1 hour per month support included then $70 per hour for additional work
- 99.9% Uptime Guarantee
Most customized
$ 5,000and up
- $200+ per month hosting
- Unlimited static pages
- Unlimited dynamic pages
- 2 hour(s) per month support included then $70 per hour for additional work
- 99.9% Uptime Guarantee
It takes many hours of time to develop, build and test a website. The cost is reflective of the amount of hours it will take to build a website based on it's complexity.
The monthly hosting fee includes the cost of one domain, an SSL certificate and various other premium services necessary to provide your website. We also factor in a little time for support and making changes into each plan so you know exactly what you are paying for!
A static page is a webpage that cannot be edited, examples of this would be an ABOUT US page that the text doesn't change. The economy plan only includes static pages, while the other two plans include both static and dynamic pages. In the event you need the text on a static page to change you would contact us and supply the text/changes and we would update the page for you using your monthly hours or billable extra hours.
A dynamic page is a webpage that includes content that is pulled from a database, changed by external sources OR updates regularly through other means. Most modern websites include dynamic pages in some format, and it is highly likely if you are running an e-commerce store you will need dynamic pages for your products/content.
Each plan includes a fixed amount of "free" time included in the cost of the monthly fee. This time can be used to tweak your website, make changes or anything else relating to your website. Once that time is used up work can either stop that month or continue at the agreed billable rate based on your plan as indicated above.
We offer a 99.9% uptime guarantee, your website should never be down but sometimes issues beyond our control occur. Downtime is never expected.
We do monitor each website we create for errors and disruptions in service 24/7 if we notice something out of the ordinary we make steps to resolve it.
Please contact us for anything not answered here.